Dicey Element roadmap

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I want to talk about my plans for the game, my progress so far and what to expect in next couple weeks.

I also post daily updates on twitter

Roadmap: ๐Ÿ”—

Version 1.0: Main menu, settings, configurable controls, interactive tutorial, new levels, new elements, new/redesigned game mechanics, massive amount of QoL improvements (better previews, undo, etc), speedrun mode, new art/visuals.

Version 1.1: B-side levels, medals

Everything past 1.1 is optional and unlikely to be released.

Version 1.15: multiplayer leaderboard

Version 1.x: android + touchscreen support

Version 1.3: Level editor

Version 1.4: Discover custom player made levels inside the game itself My progress so far:

I’m basically done with QoL improvements for now, there’s tons of bugs and my code is starting to become unreadable, so i won’t add anything new in terms of QoL and might have to rewrite some of the code before release.

I already have main menu, settings and configurable controls, but they don’t have art and still need some UX work.

interactive tutorials were already in jam version, but i need to expand it to new mechanics.

Speedrun mode is in, but needs a bit more work, like stopping the timer when you transition from level to level and only counting runs where you completed all levels.

I would say most of the things i mentioned are already working but needs to be polished/tested before release.

However, i still need to design new levels and game mechanics, which is what I will do next.

F.A.Q ๐Ÿ”—

Q: Release when?

A: Don’t know yet, my deadline is 2022-08-07, but you know how it goes, it will probably take 2x time.

Q: How many lines of code?

A: 1712 right now, that’s the biggest project i worked so far by a huge margin.

Q: Will it be open-source?

A: After i release all the updates and clean up my code a bit, yeah. I don’t recommend using it, because my code is doing something violently repulsive, but you do you.

Q: Why does it take so long?

A: My code has its own mind, and it’s slowly corrupting my brain into submission. i.e my code is a mess and with each feature it becomes even worse.

If you want to play, the game jam version is here